Sunday, July 24, 2011

Crossroad or Crisis?

So, Here we sit, just a week away from the deadline imposed by powers that be. August 2nd the day our debtlimit is said to be reached. However in truth our limit was surpassed many months ago and yet we still function as a nation on the full faith and credit of our word. As I see this debate on whether or not to increase the debt limit, it becomes really simple(which is actually similar to how Speaker Boehner sees it) our country cannot continue to spend money it does not have in order to buy things it does not need. Yes we do need to fund Medicare, Social Security, Military, and other "entitlements" but do we really need to fund a study on why the naked mole rat may be 3rd cousin to T Rex? or fund another study in the millions of dollars on why it is better to excercise and eat healthy as opposed to sitting on your lazy butt and eating jellybeans? I, as well as most Americans could get our financial house in order and on budget in a matter of days by simply using common logic and applying the rules of our households to the economy. Simply put, 'If you don't have the money for it, either do without, or find a way to cut somewhere so you can have it" Some would have you believe we are at a crisis. I disagree! We are at a Crossroad. And the direction we take at this moment will determine our stability as a Nation. When faced with a crisis most people make irrational decisions based on scewed facts and fears, and thereby making irresponsible choices when all along the smart and wise choice was right in front of them. While at a crossroad, most people will stop and think of the direction they must take. They will analyze what direction they came from and which direction they need to go. Then based on logic, they will choose the direction and proceed with caution. All the while, making sure they made the right choice and if needed, make corrections along the way to right the path. In the words of the ever so wise. Forrest Gump "Simple is as Simple does" and taken to its simple basics, this debate is quite simple. America is spending much more money than it is bringing in. So simple says "Stop spending so much money!" Some would say "Lets raise taxes!(bring in more revenue) NO! stop spending and get your house in order. No different than all of America must do on a daily basis. Mrs. Jones cannot call her boss and say "you must pay me more money or give me Johnny's paycheck also so I can buy my dream house and drive my dream car" Yet that is what some in Washington would have us do by raising taxes. Crisis or Crossroad?