Friday, February 10, 2012

Sleeping giant awakened; Now stay awake!

Recently our President decided it was within his right to trample on the rights of others through the unconstitutional mandate that ALL emplyters MUST provide birth control coverage including abortion option to employees. Well one thing he did not count on(or did he) is the church/americans rising up in mass to protest loudly our decent. Many were heard saying this is a slam against catholics, to which I would agree in part. But in whole this is a slam against our very Constitution and core values we hold dear. I even heard some say "I don't really care, it doesn't affect me" how wrong they are. This decision of his to spit on our Constitution affects every freedom loving American, whether you are God fearing or an outright atheist. You see this is just a small step in the grand design of our President. And the right he strips from me today that "doesn't affect you" will surely lead to his eagerness to take from you next. It is hightime every American wakes up and reminds this President that he is not a king nor a dictator and was in fact not even elected with an overwhelming majority of the people. He is an elected official who is charged with upholding the oath of his office, which includes protecting the rights of all peoples and our Constitution. He has awakened a long slumbering giant and my biggest fear is that this giant(the christian community) will return to its lair and go back to sleep. WAKE YOUR LAZY SELVES UP!!!!!! And stay awake. Don't be fooled by his reversal, it was brought about by political expediency. An you can bet that if he wins reelection(God forbid) you can kiss your religious freedoms and rights goodby. There will be nothing to stop him. And you will have only yourselves to blame. Because you did not want to be get involved or you saw him going to church therfore he must be ok. How many hypocrites do you see on any given sunday sitting in the pews. Oh, or maybe he will sign into law, something that favors the church just before the election. Oh plah leaz you can't be that gulible. He is betting you are. If he wins reelection we have nobody to blame but the christian community at large who either stayed home on election day or believed his lies and gave him a second term. That be the case, you deserve what you are about to receive. Wake up I urge every christian, wake up I urge every American, Rise up and stand strong, stand on the principles that made this country the shining city on a hill and reignite the flame of passion that lies dormant within. Get out and vote and find 3 people who are not registered and take them to become registered and on election day take them to the polls. I don't care which Republican eventually wins the nomination to run against obama, because any of them are vastly better the obama. And believe me I can find fault with them all. But one thing I know each of them have going for them is the love of country and the respect of our Constitution and they will govern within those confines. So whether your candidate wins or not in this primary cycle, one thing is true. The winner deserves your vote, America deserves your participation and your children deserve your protection against despotism. He has awakened a sleeping giant, please stay awake and alert and may I add, responsive.