Saturday, January 12, 2013

2nd Amendment under assault

                                 Irrational Logic

How often has it happened that our Government has created "laws" that lead to unintended consequences? Or perhaps it would be easier to calculated how often it has not lead to unintended consequences. This current battle to destroy our Constitution by taking away ones right to bear arms is one that will lead to many unintended consequences. And the remifications are great. For one, it will creat a new class of criminal because most "law abiding" citizen gunowners will not give over their right to bear arms which is guarranteed them in our Constitution. Thus making them law breakers. I count myself among this new class of citizen. It will also give rise to violent crime because the scum who are now living outside the law will be emboldened to raise the level of violence, knowing that chances are very good that nobody is carrying a concealed weapon because of this new law. And thereby giving the criminal the upperhand. Anyone who thinks the crime rate is too high now, oh, just wait and see where it goes if the antigun/antiselfprotection crowd get their way. It is time to take a stand. There are only 2 sides to this debate. For or Against! There is no middle/gray area. You either endorse the rise of violent crime by giving the Government approval to destroy our Constitution or you take a stand against the destruction of our Constitution and say to our elected officials "an armed society is a safer society" and "gunowners are not the problem" The problem lies in the liberal mind that doesn't want consequences for action. Unless of course, you mention God. Then, hell hath no fury like a liberal cornered. If I use the argument that is going around that says "If we outlaw assault guns and multiround clips we will reduce and perhaps eliminate mass murder" Then I can assume that if we outlaw robbing banks,shooting anyone with even a single shot,running a red light,minors drinking or using drugs,pickpocketing,autotheft,just to name a few, then these events would stop. Oh wait, they are already against the law.... But how can that be? Afterall, we have laws in place to "stop" these crimes. I guess passing laws doesn't always mean reducing crime. I hear the ignorant argument that since kids are going to have sex anyway, lets just make it safer and not judge them. Did that work? No! We now have more abortions by teenagers than ever before. We also have more kids having kids than ever before. Heck, we even have a tv show dedicated and glorifying their plights called "16 and pregnant" Unintend consequences. I could spend a week just sighting all the damage our government has done by kneejerk reaction but so can you so I invite you to research on your own. Bottomline is simple. Don't mess with the Constitution and punish harshly those who break laws instead of punishing those who revere it. Political correctness and softhand sissification of our society has run amuck for too long. Standup and stand strong.
Jeff Ulrich

Saturday, August 25, 2012

For such a time as this!

Why Romney in 2012? It's simple, because it's leaders with real vision "for America" that this country needs. Ones who are not afraid to go against the winds of dissent. And challenge the status quo. To stand up and say, " I have a plan for America! To return this country to it's former greatness. To strengthen our education system by eliminating waste and providing choice, To use our natural resources to benefit America first, then export our resources to countries who seek to better themselves through strengthening there people, I have a plan for America, to untap the greatness that is within all Americans, Whether rich or poor, regardless of ethnicity, young or old, because greatness is within us all but sometimes it takes a little coaxing to show itself. And when it appears, stand back, because that sleeping giant will sleep no more! I have a plan for America, to unleash the bonds of over reaching government controls and regulations that inhibit grow in our small businesses and stifle job creation. A plan that includes every American. One that does not divide into class or race or status in life. One that simply says, "Here is your key, go open your door" A plan for those who cannot provide for themselves, one that gives them dignity as we provide for them. A plan that tells our Seniors, "We will provide for you as promised, we will not let you down!" I have plan for America, to see this countries medical technologies field unshackled by burdensome regulations that crush development and stiffle growth in medical miracles. To see beyond the walls of limitations and seek ways through, over and around those walls. America needs a leader that is willing to stand up and proclaim, "I pledge my life, my fortune and my sacred honor to the restoration of this country." America needs a leader that in so proclaiming, will challenge and call to action every elected official to do the same. Like the lady who stands in New York harbor, torch ready, lighting the way, saying to all who hear. "Give us your tired ,your poor, your hungry, yearning to be free" We too call out to all who hear with those words. But in so coming, respect our laws and enjoy our liberty. Why Romney in 2012? Because he has this plan for America. America does not need a great speaker, nor does it need a charismatic personality. Though Romney is indeed both of those, what America needs is a true leader. One with conviction and guts to do the hard things for the betterment of all. And for such a time as this Mitt Romney is that leader!
Written by Jeff Ulrich

Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Life, Fortune and my Sacred Honor

Mere words by men who had nothing to lose? I think not! Words from the heart of men who were willing to lose everything for the freedom of everyone. For the birth of a free nation, for the love of a free country, for the right to live out dreams and accomplishments in a country guided by the Almighty hand of God. Where are those men today? Are there any who would boldly make the claim and pledge their lives, their honor and their sacred fortunes for the defense and restoration of this land we call America? It does my heart good to know that there are a few still willing to lay it ALL down for us all. I count myself in the class of minority willing to lay it all down. A class that includes the likes of men and women such as Glenn Beck, Thomas Sowell, Rush Limbaugh,Michelle Malkin, Michelle Bachman, Anne Graham Lott, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Ted Cruz, Sheriff Joe, and even a small handful of Congressmen and Senators. Where do you stand? Are you a hopeful spectator, maybe an injured player sitting out do to hurts sustained in the battle? Are you suited up and ready, desiring to grab the ball and run with it like your life depended on it? Funny thing is, your life does depend on it. Oh maybe not your life as in live or die. But your life as in constrained or free. You see, many have sat by and watched or ignored as this country has slipped to the edge of a cliff. We have been lulled into slumber by the comforts of our lives. Some have been scared into silence with the threat of taking back what little one has. This is why our forefathers pledged their lives, honor and their sacred fortunes. So that none of it could be used as an excuse for doing nothing and also that the opponent could not use it as a source of weakness against them in the fight. You have heard it said "This election is the most crucial in our lifetimes" and I am here to say, it is true! We have a choice to make. Do we continue moving ever closer to the cliff with only inches to go before we peer over the edge? Or do we stop the devastating slide all together and begin to move away from the cliff? You see, the way I see it, Everyone is actually pledging their lives, honor and sacred fortunes on this election. But some are bold enough to pledge it on the restoration of this great nation and the future generations growth and dreams. To give our children, a chance to live free as we did. to challenge them to proserity and greatness. To boldly go where no man has gone before(to use a phrase) In that, we pledge our lives, honor and sacred fortunes for the advancement of a free nation. Yet others will unwittingly pledge the same, but for a different purpose. They will, by either doing nothing or by allowing this administration to continue another 4 years, pledge their lives, fortunes and their sacred honor to the destruction of America as we know it. They will give their lives over to the governmet control(by allowing it to care for them) they will give their honor(because without control of destiny, absence of honor is a foregone conclusion) and they will pledge their sacred fortunes, because in the minds of many, they have no fortune. But fortune is not equal to monetary gain. The fortune our forefathers spoke of was so much more than money, but did include it as well, there is no dispute! The fortune they spoke of and put at risk included their every posession, the command and control of their own lives and the lifes of their future generations. You see, your fortune is what is near to your heart, the thing you would most risk your life to protect. And yet in allowing this race to the edge of the cliff to continue, you become a willing participant in this countries demise. And in that you pledge your life, honor and sacred fortune. Awaken the passions within, dare to dream dreams bigger than your thoughts. Desire to live life free from constraint and unshackle the bonds of tyranny and oppression from within. Promise yourself and those you love, you will do everything in your power to live everyday pledging your life, honor and your sacred fortune to the freedoms of future generations. And in that, we can be assured that this nation will heal from its wounds, will rise from the heap and prosper as you and I pledge together to a cause greater than ourselves. Our children and their childrens freedom.
written by Jeff Ulrich 7/29/12

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sleeping giant awakened; Now stay awake!

Recently our President decided it was within his right to trample on the rights of others through the unconstitutional mandate that ALL emplyters MUST provide birth control coverage including abortion option to employees. Well one thing he did not count on(or did he) is the church/americans rising up in mass to protest loudly our decent. Many were heard saying this is a slam against catholics, to which I would agree in part. But in whole this is a slam against our very Constitution and core values we hold dear. I even heard some say "I don't really care, it doesn't affect me" how wrong they are. This decision of his to spit on our Constitution affects every freedom loving American, whether you are God fearing or an outright atheist. You see this is just a small step in the grand design of our President. And the right he strips from me today that "doesn't affect you" will surely lead to his eagerness to take from you next. It is hightime every American wakes up and reminds this President that he is not a king nor a dictator and was in fact not even elected with an overwhelming majority of the people. He is an elected official who is charged with upholding the oath of his office, which includes protecting the rights of all peoples and our Constitution. He has awakened a long slumbering giant and my biggest fear is that this giant(the christian community) will return to its lair and go back to sleep. WAKE YOUR LAZY SELVES UP!!!!!! And stay awake. Don't be fooled by his reversal, it was brought about by political expediency. An you can bet that if he wins reelection(God forbid) you can kiss your religious freedoms and rights goodby. There will be nothing to stop him. And you will have only yourselves to blame. Because you did not want to be get involved or you saw him going to church therfore he must be ok. How many hypocrites do you see on any given sunday sitting in the pews. Oh, or maybe he will sign into law, something that favors the church just before the election. Oh plah leaz you can't be that gulible. He is betting you are. If he wins reelection we have nobody to blame but the christian community at large who either stayed home on election day or believed his lies and gave him a second term. That be the case, you deserve what you are about to receive. Wake up I urge every christian, wake up I urge every American, Rise up and stand strong, stand on the principles that made this country the shining city on a hill and reignite the flame of passion that lies dormant within. Get out and vote and find 3 people who are not registered and take them to become registered and on election day take them to the polls. I don't care which Republican eventually wins the nomination to run against obama, because any of them are vastly better the obama. And believe me I can find fault with them all. But one thing I know each of them have going for them is the love of country and the respect of our Constitution and they will govern within those confines. So whether your candidate wins or not in this primary cycle, one thing is true. The winner deserves your vote, America deserves your participation and your children deserve your protection against despotism. He has awakened a sleeping giant, please stay awake and alert and may I add, responsive.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Crossroad or Crisis?

So, Here we sit, just a week away from the deadline imposed by powers that be. August 2nd the day our debtlimit is said to be reached. However in truth our limit was surpassed many months ago and yet we still function as a nation on the full faith and credit of our word. As I see this debate on whether or not to increase the debt limit, it becomes really simple(which is actually similar to how Speaker Boehner sees it) our country cannot continue to spend money it does not have in order to buy things it does not need. Yes we do need to fund Medicare, Social Security, Military, and other "entitlements" but do we really need to fund a study on why the naked mole rat may be 3rd cousin to T Rex? or fund another study in the millions of dollars on why it is better to excercise and eat healthy as opposed to sitting on your lazy butt and eating jellybeans? I, as well as most Americans could get our financial house in order and on budget in a matter of days by simply using common logic and applying the rules of our households to the economy. Simply put, 'If you don't have the money for it, either do without, or find a way to cut somewhere so you can have it" Some would have you believe we are at a crisis. I disagree! We are at a Crossroad. And the direction we take at this moment will determine our stability as a Nation. When faced with a crisis most people make irrational decisions based on scewed facts and fears, and thereby making irresponsible choices when all along the smart and wise choice was right in front of them. While at a crossroad, most people will stop and think of the direction they must take. They will analyze what direction they came from and which direction they need to go. Then based on logic, they will choose the direction and proceed with caution. All the while, making sure they made the right choice and if needed, make corrections along the way to right the path. In the words of the ever so wise. Forrest Gump "Simple is as Simple does" and taken to its simple basics, this debate is quite simple. America is spending much more money than it is bringing in. So simple says "Stop spending so much money!" Some would say "Lets raise taxes!(bring in more revenue) NO! stop spending and get your house in order. No different than all of America must do on a daily basis. Mrs. Jones cannot call her boss and say "you must pay me more money or give me Johnny's paycheck also so I can buy my dream house and drive my dream car" Yet that is what some in Washington would have us do by raising taxes. Crisis or Crossroad?

Sunday, December 19, 2010


So it is now law, Don't ask, Don't tell. I have no opinion one way or the other regarding this ruling because I thank ALL who wish to serve this great country, regardless of your sexual orientation. What I don't understand is, if it is "don't ask don't tell" who is breaking the law by asking and telling? And shouldn't those who are breaking the law then be prosecuted? If you are gay and you serve or wish to serve, My hat is off to you. Thank you and Godspeed. But serve with honor and serve with destinction. The law say "don't ask(which means do not ask if some is gay) and don't tell"(which means that if someone does ask if you are gay, do not tell them) It seems quite simple to this feeble mind. I am not a supporter of gay rights and I would fight right alongside every gay serviceman to defend this nation. It's don't ask don't tell, so do your job and do it in the service of this country. And don't break the law. Instead of don't asks don't tell we should rename the law"Shutup and serve" because really, most people do not care if you are gay or not. What most people object to is that it must be made a focus of everything. That's when you lose me. So shut up and serve! And I mean that with the utmost of respect.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veterans Day

November 11th, Veterans Day in the Ole US of A. I was talking with a neighbor the other day and the subject of Veterans Day came up. He stated how how his kidswere looking forward to the "holiday". I of course, in my own seldom asked for opinion, corrected my neighbors slip of the tongue and stated that Veterans Day is not a "holiday" it is an observance, a day of comemoration. It is a day we gladly set aside to honor our Veterans from all walks of life, whether their service was in time of war or not. Anyone who wears the uniforms knows full well that at a moments notice they may be called upon to sacrifice their freedom and their life to insure that others can live free. So in America we set aside November 11th as a day to recognize the Bravery, the Honor, the Sacrifice, and the unselfish love of Country these great men and women represent. Without such men and women where would this great Nation be today? Make a commitment to thank a vet on November 11th, and also call your local VFW post just to say thank you. Let them know you care. And begin to live out Veterans Day everyday. When you see a uniformed service person, shake their hand and say thanks. You will be amazed at what that does. Also say thank you to those married to service personnel, they are just as much military as their spouse, and without them holding things together on the homefront, there is no way the soldier, sailor,airman,coast guardsman or marine could function properly. So observe Veterans Day as more than just a day off of school/work, commemorate it as a day of honor to our servicemen and women and their families. And say a prayer for all those serving and who have served. We are a great nation because of them, and we will remain a great nation because of them. So to all who have worn the uniform may I say"Thank you! and God Bless you, be at ease soldier, we hold your family in our arms as you hold the freedom of this nations in yours". God Bless America