Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Life, Fortune and my Sacred Honor

Mere words by men who had nothing to lose? I think not! Words from the heart of men who were willing to lose everything for the freedom of everyone. For the birth of a free nation, for the love of a free country, for the right to live out dreams and accomplishments in a country guided by the Almighty hand of God. Where are those men today? Are there any who would boldly make the claim and pledge their lives, their honor and their sacred fortunes for the defense and restoration of this land we call America? It does my heart good to know that there are a few still willing to lay it ALL down for us all. I count myself in the class of minority willing to lay it all down. A class that includes the likes of men and women such as Glenn Beck, Thomas Sowell, Rush Limbaugh,Michelle Malkin, Michelle Bachman, Anne Graham Lott, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Ted Cruz, Sheriff Joe, and even a small handful of Congressmen and Senators. Where do you stand? Are you a hopeful spectator, maybe an injured player sitting out do to hurts sustained in the battle? Are you suited up and ready, desiring to grab the ball and run with it like your life depended on it? Funny thing is, your life does depend on it. Oh maybe not your life as in live or die. But your life as in constrained or free. You see, many have sat by and watched or ignored as this country has slipped to the edge of a cliff. We have been lulled into slumber by the comforts of our lives. Some have been scared into silence with the threat of taking back what little one has. This is why our forefathers pledged their lives, honor and their sacred fortunes. So that none of it could be used as an excuse for doing nothing and also that the opponent could not use it as a source of weakness against them in the fight. You have heard it said "This election is the most crucial in our lifetimes" and I am here to say, it is true! We have a choice to make. Do we continue moving ever closer to the cliff with only inches to go before we peer over the edge? Or do we stop the devastating slide all together and begin to move away from the cliff? You see, the way I see it, Everyone is actually pledging their lives, honor and sacred fortunes on this election. But some are bold enough to pledge it on the restoration of this great nation and the future generations growth and dreams. To give our children, a chance to live free as we did. to challenge them to proserity and greatness. To boldly go where no man has gone before(to use a phrase) In that, we pledge our lives, honor and sacred fortunes for the advancement of a free nation. Yet others will unwittingly pledge the same, but for a different purpose. They will, by either doing nothing or by allowing this administration to continue another 4 years, pledge their lives, fortunes and their sacred honor to the destruction of America as we know it. They will give their lives over to the governmet control(by allowing it to care for them) they will give their honor(because without control of destiny, absence of honor is a foregone conclusion) and they will pledge their sacred fortunes, because in the minds of many, they have no fortune. But fortune is not equal to monetary gain. The fortune our forefathers spoke of was so much more than money, but did include it as well, there is no dispute! The fortune they spoke of and put at risk included their every posession, the command and control of their own lives and the lifes of their future generations. You see, your fortune is what is near to your heart, the thing you would most risk your life to protect. And yet in allowing this race to the edge of the cliff to continue, you become a willing participant in this countries demise. And in that you pledge your life, honor and sacred fortune. Awaken the passions within, dare to dream dreams bigger than your thoughts. Desire to live life free from constraint and unshackle the bonds of tyranny and oppression from within. Promise yourself and those you love, you will do everything in your power to live everyday pledging your life, honor and your sacred fortune to the freedoms of future generations. And in that, we can be assured that this nation will heal from its wounds, will rise from the heap and prosper as you and I pledge together to a cause greater than ourselves. Our children and their childrens freedom.
written by Jeff Ulrich 7/29/12

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