Saturday, September 11, 2010

Always Remember!

Today is the 9th anniversary of the horrific attacks on this great Nation. May we all take a moment and reflect. May we also lift our prayers to our Creator for the loved ones of those killed on this day 9 years ago. Many great stories of bravery, heroism,valor and American Pride came from that day and the days and months following. May we also lift thanks to God for giving us such great and awesome men and women who in the face of complete chaos react without regard to selfpreservation to helptheir fellow man. Our leaders deserve our thanks for standing together at a time of great peril and confusion and marshalling the forces needed to combat and respond to the unprovoked attack. I still am moved to the core each time I reflect on the greatness of our military and the amazing job they do in protecting each of us. I thank all who signed up to serve in response to the attacks. True American Heroes each and every one!! There are some who would say we must move past what happened and erase it so as not to embolded our enemy. I say they are wrong!! We must never forget and we must always be diligent to hunt down and destroy ALL responsible for the deaths of our countryman. Remember, it was an attack unprovked. It is now and should always be our obligation to root out evil wherever it exists and destroy it. America is the last vestiage of Hope and Freedom in this world. Those who died on this day 9 years ago deserve our commitment to bring their killers to justice. May the flag of Freedom wave high and bright today and everyday, May we stand United as Americans. May we unleash our military might on ALL who seek to repeat the acts of 9 years ago. And may we not give in to political correctness. May we kick ass and ask questions later. And may we honor the folks who keeps us safe. Standup for this Country or GET THE HELL OUT!!!

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