Monday, September 6, 2010

Under the Liberty Tree

Today is Labor day here in the United States, It is also the perverbial kickoff to the election season. And what an election we have coming. It is surely "the" most important election in my lifetime(I am 50) This election will decide whether or not America remains strong, vibrant, secure, and FREE. This election will determine if our future is bright and promising or if we give over control of our lives to our Government. During our last election we heard the mantra "Hope and Change" I ask you, how's that working for you? Too many of us want it easy. We want to have things handed to us without having to earn it. We have not really experienced tough times when compared to the generations that went before us. So when struggle and strife come our way, we instantly cry foul. I hope, I pray we all go to the polls this November and put aside our whiney, gimme gimme, I want it all NOW and for FREE attitude. And we standup and stand proud for American greatness. That we vote for people who have stood in the trenches and fought for freedom, and stood alone at times to shout the warning cry to all Americans. Do not vote for those who promise pie in the sky utopian dreams. Do not vote for those who until recently stood against freedom by casting votes for things such as,Healthcare overhaul, Expanded Government,The last Supreme Court Justice, Open borders,Arizona's right to enforce its laws, and now suddenly they have had a change of heart. Not in truth, only really because they want your vote and they think you are so stupid and forgetful that they can fool you into think they have "Seen the errors of their ways" Hogwash! Throw them out on their A_ _! I do not care what side of the isle they are on. In fact all the more if they are of my party (Republican) and I am only a Republican because in Nevada they do not have a Conservative party, otherwise I would be gone yesterday. Let those in Washington and those who aspire to be there know that you are not the idiot they think you are. Show them that their reign of destruction is over. Send them home and send them home with no doubt that your choice was absolute! I am a christian and I personally blame the church in America for the way the election went last time. Instead of voting for religious freedom, life for all, in and out of the womb, hard work and sacrifice, we christians decided to turn our backs on our beliefs and vote for "Hope and Change" we voted for persecution,death in the womb,gimme gimme gimme, This time you can correct your mistake. You can take back your country and turn back to God. He is our "Hope and Change" There is no other. Church, standup and get off your butt and get on your knees! I urge every freedom loving American to vote for American values and that may mean you go against your party, but it isn't about party. It is about America! Get informed, not by what they say, but by what they HAVE done and How they have voted. Judge them by their record, not their rhertoric. Remember "they lie" and they think you are stupid. Show them how wrong they are.

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