Saturday, September 25, 2010

October Surprise!!

Well, with just over 30 days left before (hopefully) the greatest voter revolt in American history. We must all begin to prepare ourselves for what will undoubtedly become the headlines. "Republicans desire to hijack Social Security!", "RNC involved in sex coverup!", "Republicans secretly craft plan to not allow blacks to hold public office" Republicans vow to deport anyone with a hint of mexican blood running through their veins" And lets not forget the ever popular, "Republicans want old people to die!" Oh, but don't forget the November surprise either. "Voting machine malfunction causes 1000's of black voters to become disenfranchised!" "Ballots found to be tainted" "In some precincts voters told they are no longer registered and must wait until next year" And lets not forget, "Busload of Democrat voters runs out of gas on way to polls, never making it to cast their vote" Now the amazing thing is that, alot of people will read of these things and actually believe them. But, I really should not be too surprised, there are still those who believe Elvis is still alive somewhere in Nashville. And the National Enquire is the Nations newspaper of choice. It never seems to amaze me how people will stick their heads in the sand for 350 days of the year and be oblivious to the world around them or for that matter, the goings on in their own neighborhood. And suddenly pull it out in time to read the above headlines and believe them. Now I do not mind if you choose to have your head in the sand. What I mind, is that you decide to pull it out. Either stay informed and involved or not. Those who will go to the polls and cancel out my informed vote on the basis of what they heard on their local news or read in the paper yesterday is troubling to me. I contend that anyone who casts a vote based on anything they have heard from a candidate within the last 120 days before an election is somewhat casting a vote based on half truths and misguided information. You want to be an informed and educated voter? Cast your vote based on the record of those you are voting for, and conduct your own fact finding mission. Do not rely on the say so of your family,friends or neighbors or those running for office. Afterall, when was the last time you saw a commercial from a candidate saying, "Yes it is true, I do think I know better than you. And I will take your money and spemd it on my own pet projects, but trust me, it's for your own good" I am not trying to sway your vote one way or another. Although I have my preferrances. I am only asking you to stay informed, vote based on true facts & record. Not what they say while running for office. I am a HUGE Reagan and Bush fan, but I can fill pages with issues I disagreed with them on and wrote to them about at the time. There is no perfect candidate because there is no perfect people. So all that to say "GET READY FOR THE OCTOBER SURPRISE!" and then ask yourself, if this is so important to bring out now, why did you wait til now? If you had the good of the American people in mind, wouldn't it have been better to let us know right away? Oh, I see now. If I my kid is dying I should wait til the last minute, before I take them to the doctor. That way the Dr. will believe me and know just what to do. Oh how stupid do these politicians think you are? But even more, how often do we prove them right in their assesment of our intelligence?

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